Ambulance Station Replacement Project

Stay tuned for project updates!
MINUTES MATTER and having access to your local healthcare resources is vital to our Community. The Cambria Community Healthcare District provides two full crews of EMTs and Paramedics on standby 24/7 to care for you and to get you to the nearest hospital if needed.
The CCHD Board must have a long-term view of what the future needs are for CCHD and to provide a safe, and secure environment for our staff and ambulances. We want to assure our community that they will continue to receive the best possible emergency medical care and ambulance transports now, and in the future.
Our goal is to improve the ambulance station facility by replacing the 67-year-old building with a new modern facility that meets current codes and standards.
Why a New Ambulance Station?
CCHD Ambulance Facility Replacement Project double sided.pdfFAQ why remove building 2535.pdfFAQ why is the former crew quarters at 2535 Main Street uninhabitable.pdfFAQ Why a Garage.pdfFAQ Grant Funding.pdf
New Facility Supporting Documents
CCHD Ambulance Station - Vanir Project Cost Estimates.pdfHazardous+Materials+Investigation+Report+(Posted+08-19-2021).pdfFacility Condition Assessment Report November 8, 2021.pdfNumerical Slope Stability Evaluation.pdf